Duties of telecommunication providers

Duties of telecommunication providers toward the Federal Office of Communications

Providers of telecommunication services are obligated to register with the Federal Office of Communications. For detailed information and to register, go to:


Duties of telecommunication providers toward the Post and Telecommunications Surveillance Service

Telecommunication providers are obligated to execute surveillance mandates in keeping with the regulations and orders of the Post and Telecommunications Surveillance Service. Telecommunication providers are required both to have at their disposal infrastructure of their own appropriate for surveillance and to be capable of running surveillance operations at any time. To ensure that telecommunications providers are ready at all times to run surveillance, the Post and Telecommunications Surveillance Service conducts compliance proceedings. Telecommunication providers are bound to provide the Post and Telecommunications Surveillance Service with the names of in-house contacts (lawful interception officers or LI officers). Telecommunication providers that have not yet registered with the Surveillance Service are required to do so immediately.

Last updated: 26.03.2020 - 07:46