
Welcome to the homepage of PTSS, the Post and Telecommunications Surveillance Service. This website is aimed at Communication Service Providers (CSP), Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) as well as the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) for information, communication and exchange purposes.

The PTSS is responsible for ensuring the implementation of post and telecommunications surveillance measures. It acts independently and autonomously, and is not subject to directives.

Annual report 2022

The annual report offers a look back at the year 2022 and shows the collaboration of the PTSS service with telecommunications service providers and criminal authorities. Despite rapid technological changes, ensuring effective law enforcement always remains the first priority. The special case team of the PTSS service plays a central role in this and provides insights into its everyday work.

But how important is telecommunications surveillance for Switzerland's internal security? A senior public prosecutor from the canton of Zurich and the deputy director of the Federal Intelligence Service comment on this.


Annual report 2022


Statistics 2023

The Swiss prosecution authorities and the Federal intelligence service (FIS) may order post and telecommunications surveillance measures for the purpose of investigating serious criminal offences. The PTSS is obliged to produce statistics on these surveillance measures.

The number of monitoring measures has fallen in 2023. Now it is slightly above the average of the last five years. While real-time monitoring is within this average, retrospective monitoring is slightly higher. However, emergency searches and tracing of persons show a strong increase compared to the above-mentioned average, while antenna searches are slightly lower.


Graphic Offences


Entities obliged to cooperate (EOC) can use the extranet to communicate securely with PTSS, submit applications and supporting documents and transmit changes in their situation. In particular, a telecommunications service provider (TSP) can use this channel to submit a request for a downgrade to a TSP with reduced surveillance duties in accordance with Article 51 SPTO. PTSS then assesses the situation of the EOC and, if necessary, issues a decision on the EOC’s duties status (e.g. TSP with reduced surveillance duties). Furthermore, providers who are obliged to transmit their current contact data (Art. 5 OI-PTS), can communicate changes, such as new contact information for their LI officers, via the extranet.


25th april 2024 
Statistik zur Fernmeldeüberwachung: Leichter Rückgang der Überwachungsmassnahmen

15th november 2023
Pauschalen für Fernmeldeüberwachung treten per 1. Januar 2024 in Kraft

15th november 2023
Anpassungen der Verordnungen zur Fernmeldeüberwachung an die Entwicklung der Telekommunikationstechnologie

18th october 2023
Fernmeldeüberwachung: Einfachere Kategorisierung von mitwirkungspflichtigen Unternehmen geplant

28th july 2023
Annual report 2022 PTSS

28th april 2023
Statistik zur Fernmeldeüberwachung: Mehr Überwachungsmassnahmen

22nd february 2023
Pauschalen für Fernmeldeüberwachung: Vernehmlassung eröffnet

4th may 2022
Bundesgesetz über polizeiliche Massnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Terrorismus tritt im Juni in Kraft

22nd april 2022
Statistik zur Fernmeldeüberwachung: Weniger Überwachungsmassnahmen, mehr Auskünfte zu Fernmeldeanschlüssen

11th march 2022
Fernmeldeüberwachung: Gesetzliche Grundlage für die Analysefunktionen

16th february 2022
Press release - Technologische Entwicklung erfordert Anpassungen der Verordnungen zur Fernmeldeüberwachung

9th september 2021
Audit of the key ICT project Telecommunications Surveillance

31st may 2021
Changes in the management within the PTSS

Last updated: 25.04.2024 - 10:24